Gift Compass is an online platform providing you with unique and creative gift ideas, whatever the occasion.

Here at Gift Compass, we fully understand how difficult it can be to find the perfect gift for a special person in your life. We also know that it is even trickier when that person already has everything they want.

Our user-friendly platform aims to make the gift buying process easier, simpler and more effective.

Whether you are looking for puffin-themed gift, a creative greetings card that they can keep as a decoration or anything else that is lovingly handcrafted by a local maker, Gift Compass is the perfect place.

Some of our gift listings feature talented, local artists that we have personally vetted and who have a passion for quality.

Shopping at Gift Compass suits the person who is fed up with poorly made and mass-produced items and who is looking for something a little different.  

With a flair for the original and a passion for supporting deserving makers and artists at the heart of all we do here at Gift Compass, our goal is to be your first choice when it comes to gift shopping.